Terms and conditions version 19 juli 2007
The conditions apply on every offer, order and contract which provided by Swier lockservice via www.swier.nl. On the terms and conditions is the dutch law involved.
- All prices are in Euro’s and included 21% VAT and excl. shipping costs (see: ‘Sending & Delivery’).
- Prices and other data as shown on the website and remaining utterances are on subject of change.
Swier.nl provide keys, locks, safes, nameplates, sport trophies and will send it after the order has been payed for or by in-store payment.
- Payment of an online order goes by: one-time authorization, Paypal, iDEAL or by transmission. From payments that are for foreign countries you can use: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard en local tranmission Payments from the Netherlands are possible by transmission and one -time authorization.
- Swier is working with Paypal to handel the online pay traffic. Paypal makes sure that all the financial paymentse are secure. On payment request are the terms and conditions from Paypal applied (see www.paypal.nl).
- When the payment is due with one-time authorization, if the delivery is already done and the payment is later reversed. There is still al obligation to pay.
- When a one-time autorization is been cancelled, there will be a fee of €3,50 for the administration.
- When your payment isn’t due in 14 days after your order, your order will not be send.
- At all times you need to fill in the exact ordernumber and the exact amount via bank contact. You are always responsible for all of the extra costs that are the consequence of wrong or incomplete payment/data.
Sending & Delivery
- Swier.nl tries (depends on the order) that your order will be send within 24hours after the payment is recieved.
- If the order isn’t send within 24hours it doesn’t give you the right to cancel. Swier.nl will be sending a email/letter or text if it’s isnt’t possible to send your order within 5 workdays.
- Swier.nl delivers within 24 hours, if the order meet the following conditions.
- The order is send to an adress in the Netherlands.
- Payment is via one-time authorization.
- The order has been placed before 4 p.m. excluding on saturdays, sundays and national holidays.
- The external delivery term is 30 days. When you didn’t recieve the order in 30 days, it gives you the right to cancel. Recieved payments will be returned as soon as possible, but with an term of 30 days.
- the client needs to send an letter/email within 29 days if they want to use the cancellation right This only applies when there is already payed and when swier.nl doesn’t deliver.
- The delivery term expires if the client didn’t put the exact ordernumber with the payment. Without the ordernumber we can not match the order with the payment.
- All of the prices are exluded shipping costs.
- Orders will be (if possible) ship by mail box package by TNT Post.
- Delivering outside the Netherlands goes by TNT Post, mailbox package priority.
Cancellation, Returns & Change
- Cancellation or change of the order data is only possible by bankcontact, when swier.nl didn’t recieved the payment. The order needs to be cancelled by email or letter and with the exact ordernumber.
- Unstamped return package will not be handeld.
- Swier.nl is not liable for any damage that is orginated from wrong or careless use of the products.
- Swier.nl is notliable for any consequences from a delayed delivery of the order.
Warrant & Service
- In case of a complaint, the buyer needs to go to swier.nl
- Ofcourse we do give a warrant depends on the product and mistakes that are made in de fabric.
- We need to add that all the deliverd products need to be maintained well.
- After you recieved the order, check if everything is ok. When a order does not meet the expectations with the information that is on www.swier.nl, the buyer needs to reach out by email/letter within 7 workdays after delivery. Swier.nl will be looking in to at as soon as possible, within 10 workdays.
- All the correspondence need to with a mention of the ordernumber or in case of a postorder, the delivery adress.
- Keys that are orderd without a photo we can not give warranty.
- Swier.nl processes personal data with all the measures and wil never share them with third parties.
- Payments that are due with Paypal are done with an secured connection so we can make sure the privacy is guaranteed.
- Personal data will be recorded in a sending list, the purpose of that list is to do an customized offer in the future. That list is only used by swier.nl If you don’t want a customized offer then you can always let us know (prefer by email or letter). The data will be deleted inmediate!
- On the website van swier.nl it is possible to place a banner or link. Banners and liks are only placed when a link or banner is being replaced.
- Swier.nl has the right to turn down a request for a banner or a link. Swier.nl also have the right to delete already placed banners or links.
- On the website swier.nl it is also possible to share a post on Facebook. Swier.nl is not responsible for messages of third parties.
- Swier.nl has the right to delete already posted messages.
- Swier.nl strives to answer all the e-mails, messages (via the contactform) within 24hours.
V.O.F. Swier
Plein 1945 nr.51
RABOBANK: NL27RABO0373598173
KVK: 34018893
VAX: NL008277345B01